Open and close sunroof with key fob

Sunroof Opening With Remote Control
Sunroof opens when holding down the unlock button on the key fob. Also closes when holding lock button.

Control unit 09 (Central Electrics)
  Security access Access Code 31347

  09 Adaptation
  - Zugangskontrolle 2 - SAD Richtung Komfortöffnen auswählen
Value = Tilting


Windows up/down with remote

Source of this
local copy as of Feb. 2022 (in case the google drive version goes away)

    Control unit: 09 Central Electrics
    Name: ZV Komfort
        Funk Komfort oeffnen:
            Old value: not active
            New value: active
        Funk Komfort schliessen:
            Old value: not active
            New value: active

Comfort opening sunroof slide vs. tilt

    Control unit: CA Sunroof
    Name: Komfortfunktionen
        Target position for comfort opening:
            Old value: Tilt out posi.
            New value: Slid.position

another source

9-  Central electronics
10- Adaptations
2-  Access control 2- comfort opening > active
3-  access control 3- comfort closing > active Key fob...
7-  access control 2- funk komfort oeffnen > active
6-  access control 2- funk komfort schilessen > active Menu
27  access control 2- Menuesteuerung komfortbedienung einstellbar >adjustableKessy
20- access control 2-Kessy komfort schilessen > active

check this out

After your done you need to active it through your HUD setup menu too.